Wednesday 29 June 2011

Girls on Top by BoA

Hi Everyone!

This music video is the English version of BoA's song called Girls on Top but the music video is from the Korean version. If you are wondering who sang the English version then I am very happy to inform you that BoA is the one who sang this English version and this is not a cover. BoA is the first Korean to be able to debut an album in English. :)

The reason I post this video is because of a two reasons...

First the black top & skirt that she wore inside the glass box is the clothes that I adore. The way the design the clothes were cute and slightly gothic/emo.

Second the lyrics of the song reflect to what I believe in, Uniqueness. Not changing for other people just because they said so and being who you really are.

So I hope you like the song the same way I like it. :)