Tuesday 7 June 2011

Toile Dress - Complete!!

Back View
Front VIew
Side View
Hello everyone!

Yesterday I was able to finish my toile of my dress and it’s gonna be on the catwalk of our fashion show! Yaay! FYI, I was talking about my actual dress not the toile. ;)

Anyway the images above are the different side view of my toile dress and hopefully I’ll be able to finish my dress before next week (which is the fitting week then a week after that is the fashion show).

I’m changing a view of the design on that images like the hem of the arm hole would be bias binding like the neck line. The fabric would be different as well, the gathered layers would go all the way down near the hemline with sic different colours; red, blue, green, violet, yellow and orange. The bias binding would be one of those colours and the calico (the plain yellowy colour fabric) would be black but I’m not sure what kind of fabric it is but hopefully it would be a cotton fabric but I’m one hundred percent sure it’s black.

I’ll post my design soon, earliest would be either tomorrow or Friday and depends on how much work I need to do on my sketchbook.

Bye for now.

:) xx