Thursday 9 June 2011

Before & After

Hey everyone, :)

I was fixing my files on my laptop and I found these images on a folder. It’s the skirt that I made in Pattern Cutting class and if I remember correctly, this is my second skirt that I made. First was the skirt with the facing and this one is skirt with a waist band.

What I like about the skirt is perfect for a first try. Well, maybe not perfectly perfect but to me, it is perfect for a first try. I also adore the fact that a simple feature can make something as cute as a button.


Back Skirt

Front Skirt
 Doesn't it look like an actual skirt that been bought from a shop? ;)


Back Skirt

Front Skirt
 I'm a person who adores plain and simple things...(and complicated but eye catching things. ;)) But in my opinion the "Before" skirt looks very dull. To be honest I only seen this kind of skirt (not in this fabric) at a private school with very strict uniform regulation and I for one would not wear this kind of skirt. It is too plain for my liking but after adding the frill it gave the skirt some cuteness and made the skirt looks lively.


Outside Look

Inside Look
Looking at the skirt from the outside the frill looks very neat but in the inside of the skirt it looks a bit of a mess and slightly unprofessional in my opinion. Then again, I am still learning. :]