Wednesday 29 June 2011

Girls on Top by BoA

Hi Everyone!

This music video is the English version of BoA's song called Girls on Top but the music video is from the Korean version. If you are wondering who sang the English version then I am very happy to inform you that BoA is the one who sang this English version and this is not a cover. BoA is the first Korean to be able to debut an album in English. :)

The reason I post this video is because of a two reasons...

First the black top & skirt that she wore inside the glass box is the clothes that I adore. The way the design the clothes were cute and slightly gothic/emo.

Second the lyrics of the song reflect to what I believe in, Uniqueness. Not changing for other people just because they said so and being who you really are.

So I hope you like the song the same way I like it. :)

Monday 27 June 2011



A few months ago during Pattern Cutting class we focus on gathers to be a feature. The images below are just some of the ways to use gathers.
Gathered Top Sleeve

Gathered Inserted on the Back Panel

Gathers on Darts

My Dress Design

Hey Everyone!!!

The image above is my dress design for the fashion show. The main feature of my dress is the top or first gathered layer that goes around the bodice.

Sunday 26 June 2011


Fashion show is finally finished and it was a great experience.

The fashion show last was on for two days and on those two days staff and student at Mid-Cheshire College are busy with preparing the hall for the show. The Friday show is the busiest one because we had to prepare the table for the guest like ironing the table cloth and neatly placing them on top of the table, wiping the wine glass, etc. After the hard work of preparing the fashion show went well.

I apologize for the lack of images of the fashion show because on Thursday night my camera decide to not to work and on the Friday night I was working backstage, helping the model get changed to one outfit to another.

The two images below is the dress that I made for the fashion show and J is the one modelling my dress. This images are taken backstage before the show.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Nearly Done!

Hi my lovely readers!

I know I said on my previous post that I would be posting the day after but I didn’t and I’m truly sorry for that but I have been busy the day after my previous post because it was our first dress rehearsal and I brought my garment home to do a few finishing touches.

Just to let you know the dress rehearsal went well (even though I had problem getting to the hall. :) lol) and today’s fashion show went amazing (in my opinion) and I will post a picture of my dress on the catwalk once a friend of mine send me the pictures. :)

Let’s go back to the main subject.

The bottom half of my dress was less complicated than the bodice since unlike the bodice the bottom half of my dress does not have any panels on the pattern. I sewn down the left side seam of the skirt (bottom half of my dress that need to be attach to the bodice once the gathered layers is construct and attach to the skirt) and the right side seam is left unattached for the zip that would be place there once it is fitted on the model.

After I construct all my gathered layers onto the skirt, I attach the facing onto the back bodice and the back of the skirt before I attach the skirt onto the bodice to create a one piece dress.

I had added a bias binding on the neckline which also be added onto the sleeves of my dress.

The image below is the dress that I had design and create from a 2D form to a 3D form.
Side View

Front View
Back View

The image below is what it look like on my model during fitting week. :)

I'll call her J even though that's not her real name and I'm not sure if I am allowed to say her real name.

My Dress on my Lovely Model J

I know on my title it's says it's nearly done even though on the images above it looks done but the truth is I need to do a few finishing touch onto my garment on this stage and add the zip as well as the bias binding for the sleeves.

Thanks for your time, reading my blog. Have a nice day guys and always take care. :)

Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Process of my Dress

Hi everyone, it's been a while.

Last week and this week had been very busy for all fashion student at Mid-Cheshire College as the fashion show comes nearer and nearer (basically it’s on Thursday and Friday of this week).

I on the other hand was beyond stress. My first stress was the fact that my black fabric was too thin and would rip off if the weight of the layers are added, then I went fabric shopping but didn’t found the fabric I needed but luckily I met my friend who had the fabric that I need unfortunately it didn’t arrive the day I was suppose to pick it up. However, I found a black heavy fabric on the college fabric store room and luckily it was enough for my garment. My second stress is the time which if you notice I didn’t have much. I got plenty of things to do like gathering the fabric and cutting them out as well as doing my college work and the horrible part was the over lockers keeps unthreading.

The images below are my progress since last week.

Pieces of my garment

Last week I came in college for only half a day without the fabric that I need but the image above is the heavy fabric I was on about before. It took me half of the afternoon to look for it and the other half cutting the pattern pieces out of the fabric because the fabric was too thick and I had to fold the fabric making the normal thickness twice as thick and the pins would not go through but the end of the day I was able to cut all my pattern pieces out of the fabric with a sore index finger but it was all worth it. Down side of it was the fact I got some spare minutes before college finish for the day and planned to over lock all my pattern pieces but disaster strike as all the over locker were all unthread or thread with multi colours.

Back View

Front View

Once the over lockers were fixed I quickly over lock the edges of my pattern pieces and began constructing my garment.

I sewn the bodice together first on the shoulder line before sewing the sleeves onto the bodice. My next steps after that was to sewn the left side seam from the arm hole of the sleeve to the hem of the bodice. As for the right side seam I only sewed down from the arm hole of the sleeve to mid-bust because a zip is going to be place there.

After I sewn the bodice and sleeve together I construct the main feature of my garment which is the first gathered layer that go around the bodice. I had sewn the gathered layer on the hem of the bodice (shown on the image above).

I know right now it slightly resembles the ballerina clothes but trust me it get better than that.

I’m going to stop for now but tomorrow I will post the second part. :)

Thursday 9 June 2011

Before & After

Hey everyone, :)

I was fixing my files on my laptop and I found these images on a folder. It’s the skirt that I made in Pattern Cutting class and if I remember correctly, this is my second skirt that I made. First was the skirt with the facing and this one is skirt with a waist band.

What I like about the skirt is perfect for a first try. Well, maybe not perfectly perfect but to me, it is perfect for a first try. I also adore the fact that a simple feature can make something as cute as a button.


Back Skirt

Front Skirt
 Doesn't it look like an actual skirt that been bought from a shop? ;)


Back Skirt

Front Skirt
 I'm a person who adores plain and simple things...(and complicated but eye catching things. ;)) But in my opinion the "Before" skirt looks very dull. To be honest I only seen this kind of skirt (not in this fabric) at a private school with very strict uniform regulation and I for one would not wear this kind of skirt. It is too plain for my liking but after adding the frill it gave the skirt some cuteness and made the skirt looks lively.


Outside Look

Inside Look
Looking at the skirt from the outside the frill looks very neat but in the inside of the skirt it looks a bit of a mess and slightly unprofessional in my opinion. Then again, I am still learning. :]

Frebch Seam!!


Today I have been working on my gathered layers for my dress. I have completed a French seam to bag out my gathered strips because you can see through the fabric, the French seam is perfect for this.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Toile Dress - Complete!!

Back View
Front VIew
Side View
Hello everyone!

Yesterday I was able to finish my toile of my dress and it’s gonna be on the catwalk of our fashion show! Yaay! FYI, I was talking about my actual dress not the toile. ;)

Anyway the images above are the different side view of my toile dress and hopefully I’ll be able to finish my dress before next week (which is the fitting week then a week after that is the fashion show).

I’m changing a view of the design on that images like the hem of the arm hole would be bias binding like the neck line. The fabric would be different as well, the gathered layers would go all the way down near the hemline with sic different colours; red, blue, green, violet, yellow and orange. The bias binding would be one of those colours and the calico (the plain yellowy colour fabric) would be black but I’m not sure what kind of fabric it is but hopefully it would be a cotton fabric but I’m one hundred percent sure it’s black.

I’ll post my design soon, earliest would be either tomorrow or Friday and depends on how much work I need to do on my sketchbook.

Bye for now.

:) xx

Sunday 5 June 2011

Laura Laine

As I continue to look at fashion illustrator I found Laura Laine illustration at one of the college book called Big Book of Fashion Illustration by Martin Dawber and I was mesmerised with her illustration. Her work shows elegancy, grace and femininity.

This is the info that I learn about Laura Laine. :)

Laura Laine studied fashion design at University of Art and Design Helsinki and focused on studying fashion illustration. After her studies she began working as a full-time freelance illustrator and also teaching fashion illustration at the university.

Laine clients include Vogue Nippon, GAP, I.T. store, Elle, Zara, Telegraph, Rad Hourani, The New York Times T magazine, Tommy Hilfiger, Muse magazine, The Guardian, I.T. Post magazine, Iben Hoej, and Daniel Palillo.

These three illustrations is my favourite of all her work because I am fascinated on how she was able to draw all this illustrations perfectly and in full details.

I too want to draw like this, this is why I am going to recreate on of her work using my own style of drawing.

I would post my recreation soon as I finish recreating her work.

I'm not new..!

Hi everyone!

This is my new blog.

What happen to my old one?


My first blog called To Live Our Dreams Like People on T.V., I forgotten the password and the email address for that blog is the email that I haven’t use for a long time and now I can’t open it.

My second blog called Be Unique, well I think that’s what I think I named my second blog anyway, I can’t sign in… :( so know I had to make a new one with a new email address that I written down with my password. :)

Any way this is just an introduction, my actual proper post are after this, or above this post on my blog archive. That post would be related to my college work and whatever I learn in my pattern cutting class and normal fashion class. :)

That’s all folks! :D

See ya later!