Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pina Weaving

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since my last post. I'm reposting a video of what I promise before from my previous post since I can't find the old post that I done.

This video is how to weave a pina leaf.

The video above is how Philippines tradition clothes is made, well the weaving process of it anyway. :)

College had start once again since two - three weeks ago and at the moment we are studying sustainability and the first fabric that I thought of is the Philippines pina fabric. The texture of the pina is soft and smooth after going under the process of weaving, this fabric is also used to create the Philippines national clothes called Barong Tagalog a formal wear that is common in the Philippines. The pina fabric also can hold it structure if used properly.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Pineapple Fabric!

Pineapple Farm
Cotton, silk, wool and many more fabric are made from natural resources but did you know pineapple is one of them?

In the Philippines, piña fabric is known as the ‘Queen of Philippines Fabric’ because the piña fabric is used to create the national dress (Barong Tagalog) of the Philippines.

The first step of the hard process of creating the piña fabric is to harvest the leaves from the pineapple plant.

The second step is to peel off the top layer of the leaves by using the smooth edge of a half broken plate. After the top layer of the leaves are removed the next step is to take the raw threads/yarns out of the leaves by folding the end of the leave, making the threads/yarns visible and then pulling the thread/yarn off.

After all the thread/yarns are pulled off the leaves they wash the threads/yarns a few times before letting the thread/yar dry under the sun. This process is of course repeated a few more time until the smells is gone as well as the texture of the threads/yarns are soft.

Pina Thread/Yarn
Finish Woven Pina Fabric
Each strand is knotted by hand and loom woven manually to produce piña cloth that is soft, and usually in white or ivory color.

National Dress of the Philippines
Barong Tagalog
The image above are some of the uses of pina fabric.

I will post a video of this process soon. I hope you look forward to it. :)

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Girls on Top by BoA

Hi Everyone!

This music video is the English version of BoA's song called Girls on Top but the music video is from the Korean version. If you are wondering who sang the English version then I am very happy to inform you that BoA is the one who sang this English version and this is not a cover. BoA is the first Korean to be able to debut an album in English. :)

The reason I post this video is because of a two reasons...

First the black top & skirt that she wore inside the glass box is the clothes that I adore. The way the design the clothes were cute and slightly gothic/emo.

Second the lyrics of the song reflect to what I believe in, Uniqueness. Not changing for other people just because they said so and being who you really are.

So I hope you like the song the same way I like it. :)

Monday 27 June 2011



A few months ago during Pattern Cutting class we focus on gathers to be a feature. The images below are just some of the ways to use gathers.
Gathered Top Sleeve

Gathered Inserted on the Back Panel

Gathers on Darts

My Dress Design

Hey Everyone!!!

The image above is my dress design for the fashion show. The main feature of my dress is the top or first gathered layer that goes around the bodice.

Sunday 26 June 2011


Fashion show is finally finished and it was a great experience.

The fashion show last was on for two days and on those two days staff and student at Mid-Cheshire College are busy with preparing the hall for the show. The Friday show is the busiest one because we had to prepare the table for the guest like ironing the table cloth and neatly placing them on top of the table, wiping the wine glass, etc. After the hard work of preparing the fashion show went well.

I apologize for the lack of images of the fashion show because on Thursday night my camera decide to not to work and on the Friday night I was working backstage, helping the model get changed to one outfit to another.

The two images below is the dress that I made for the fashion show and J is the one modelling my dress. This images are taken backstage before the show.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Nearly Done!

Hi my lovely readers!

I know I said on my previous post that I would be posting the day after but I didn’t and I’m truly sorry for that but I have been busy the day after my previous post because it was our first dress rehearsal and I brought my garment home to do a few finishing touches.

Just to let you know the dress rehearsal went well (even though I had problem getting to the hall. :) lol) and today’s fashion show went amazing (in my opinion) and I will post a picture of my dress on the catwalk once a friend of mine send me the pictures. :)

Let’s go back to the main subject.

The bottom half of my dress was less complicated than the bodice since unlike the bodice the bottom half of my dress does not have any panels on the pattern. I sewn down the left side seam of the skirt (bottom half of my dress that need to be attach to the bodice once the gathered layers is construct and attach to the skirt) and the right side seam is left unattached for the zip that would be place there once it is fitted on the model.

After I construct all my gathered layers onto the skirt, I attach the facing onto the back bodice and the back of the skirt before I attach the skirt onto the bodice to create a one piece dress.

I had added a bias binding on the neckline which also be added onto the sleeves of my dress.

The image below is the dress that I had design and create from a 2D form to a 3D form.
Side View

Front View
Back View

The image below is what it look like on my model during fitting week. :)

I'll call her J even though that's not her real name and I'm not sure if I am allowed to say her real name.

My Dress on my Lovely Model J

I know on my title it's says it's nearly done even though on the images above it looks done but the truth is I need to do a few finishing touch onto my garment on this stage and add the zip as well as the bias binding for the sleeves.

Thanks for your time, reading my blog. Have a nice day guys and always take care. :)