Sunday 10 July 2011

Pineapple Fabric!

Pineapple Farm
Cotton, silk, wool and many more fabric are made from natural resources but did you know pineapple is one of them?

In the Philippines, piña fabric is known as the ‘Queen of Philippines Fabric’ because the piña fabric is used to create the national dress (Barong Tagalog) of the Philippines.

The first step of the hard process of creating the piña fabric is to harvest the leaves from the pineapple plant.

The second step is to peel off the top layer of the leaves by using the smooth edge of a half broken plate. After the top layer of the leaves are removed the next step is to take the raw threads/yarns out of the leaves by folding the end of the leave, making the threads/yarns visible and then pulling the thread/yarn off.

After all the thread/yarns are pulled off the leaves they wash the threads/yarns a few times before letting the thread/yar dry under the sun. This process is of course repeated a few more time until the smells is gone as well as the texture of the threads/yarns are soft.

Pina Thread/Yarn
Finish Woven Pina Fabric
Each strand is knotted by hand and loom woven manually to produce piña cloth that is soft, and usually in white or ivory color.

National Dress of the Philippines
Barong Tagalog
The image above are some of the uses of pina fabric.

I will post a video of this process soon. I hope you look forward to it. :)